Lo and behold she posted about Clemson Girl! So I thought... why not return the favor and give her a little shout out on here.
Kailah is currently a student at Clemson and will be graduating this August. She's also the co-chair for Clemson's Relay for Life. If you're an alum like me and miss being on campus, reading Kailah's posts will help you reminisce about the good 'ol Clemson days and give you a sneak peek into what it's like being a student at Clemson today.

So take a visit over to Kailah's 'Views from a Clemson Blonde' blog and say hello...
Are you a Clemson fan, student or alum who pens a blog of your own? I'd like to start featuring you ladies so we can all stay connected on the Web. I'll be scouring my followers' blogs and other blogs looking for sites to feature on here ever so often... but if you'd like to be featured on Clemson Girl (or even pen a guest blog for ClemsonGirl.com), please email us at clemsongirlblog@gmail.com. All we ask is that you give us a 'shout out' on your blog in return.
Thanks again Kailah for posting about us!!
Clemson Girls...best in the world!
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