October 11, 2010

Clemson makeup inspiration

I'm pretty boring when it comes to makeup - I pretty much wear the same makeup every day.

I recently stumbled across a photo online of a model wearing orange and purple eyeshadow and I thought that trying out something new (and admittedly a little different) would be fun for gameday. Now that the weather is cooling off and you no longer have to worry about your makeup sweating to the bottom of your face, experimenting with some color might be fun.


I know what you're thinking - colored eyeshadow is so 1980. But I think a toned-down version of some of these orange and purple inspirations would make any eye color really pop.






What do you think? Have you experimented with bright shades with your makeup on gameday? I love the idea of purple eyes with an orange gameday outfit.


And just for fun - orange lips. Yowza!



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