The Clemson mat of the frame is magnetic – so swapping out pictures is quick and easy. The frame is available in a horizontal or vertical version – winner picks which version they prefer.
Entering to win the frame is super easy. All you have to do is comment on this blog post. Tell us your first name and last initial, and then for those Clemson Girls that are ready to graduate in May, "What graduation spot do you intend to capture on film?” OR for those Clemson Girls that have already graduated, "What graduation moment did you capture on film?”
Make your comment on this post by Friday, April 30th by NOON. We’ll randomly draw from all the entries and post the winner’s name and entry back to the blog on Friday afternoon.
I remember taking pictures all over campus when I graduated. A favorite photo spot without a doubt is beside the bronze tiger statue outside of the IPTAY office!
Want an extra entry in the drawing? Visit our Facebook page and post your favorite graduation picture – Clemson or otherwise. We’d love to see them!
Best of luck to everyone who enters! Special thanks to the Game Day Divas for sponsoring this giveaway!
Samantha J - every game day is a picture moment so I have too many to name just one
My most treasured graduation picture is of me standing with my parents, sister and grandmothers in front of Littlejohn. My grandmothers have both passed away since then, so it's a very special picture to me and I look at it often.
I got to Littlejohn hours early so that I could have the best picture with the bronze tiger. One of my favorites is a picture of me and my dad. We had this running joke about me always doing my best or I would feel his boot pushing me to do better, so I designed a cowboy boot to wear on top of the mortar board. No else would know what it meant, but he did. I also had a custom made Clemson dress to wear at graduation.
Carrie Trebil
Class of 2008
Landscape Architecture
Mary S. - my graduation in 2002 in Death Valley got rained out mid-ceremony. We took pictures picking up our diplomas from the concession stand!
I love that frame!
I have a picture of me and my mom next to the bronze tiger. As for a pic, would have to find it and scan it! So long ago, it's not digital!
Allison A
Class of 1992, 1994
My favorite graduation photo is one where my parents captured me looking up at them as I was walking to get in the line for my diploma. It was perfect timing that really captured a moment I will never forget.
But this frame would be perfect for a gameday photo from senior year. Especially the one where my friends and I took a picture with the Tiger mascot! Class of '08
My favorite graduation picture is of me shaking President Barker's hand. In the background you can see my boyfriend receiving his diploma. We graduated right next to each other...side by side.
Lindsey S.
Class of 2007
This is Angi F. in York,SC. I would love this frame to display my two little Tigers!!!!
I am the mother of two Clemson Tigers...at this present time..I would love to have to frame to highlight my daughter's enormous grin just this past Thursday night when she received her Clemson Ring! Oh, what the joy she would have if I could give this to her...Thank you for your consideration
Dana Adkins, Kershaw, SC
Andrea L - Would love this frame to frame a picture of my family with the Tiger at Howard's Rock at Bring Your Daughter to Clemson weekend last year.
Just found my picture of me ('88) with my dad ('53) on my graduation day- would be awesome for it!
Ellen Pruit Adams
I would love this!
I'm taking my friend's daughter, Abby to the Bring Your Daughter to Clemson Weekend in May. I'd love to have a picture of us together to give to her in that frame so that she can take it with her when she goes to Clemson. I've been watching Abby since she was 4 months old and now she is 12. She is like a daughter to me since I don't have children and I just hope when she does go away to Clemson that she doesn't forget me.
Robin S. Conway, SC I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this cute frame! I have so many Clemson pics, but I think my favorite to put in this adorable frame would be one I took of my daughter and two of her friends just recently at this years Spring Game!
Heather C- All of my pictures are my favorite from my graduation, but the best and most memorable pictures came after my younger brother graduated. That day my brother completed our family (Mom, Daddy, sister and brother) of Clemson Alumni, and we have a picture of our hands with our rings. I also have a picture that day of my brother, James Davis, CJ, and my little girl (who was 4 months old at the time).
Kristine D. When I graduated the photo op that I loved was of me and my grandfather standing with the reflection pond behind us.
Andrea R - When I graduated I definitely captured popping the bottles of champagne right out side of Littlejohn on film. Some of my favorite pictures that would look very cute in that frame!
Holly L - Graduating Clemson in 1998 was the best thing! My favorite picture is one of me, my then new hubby, and in laws. Why is it my fav? They are die-hard USC fans!!! LOL
posted pic on fb page of my wonderful student teaching advisor and me!
. Great frame for a tailgating pic!Ruth H
I love it .. I want to win it.
Crystal Simon
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